Saturday, March 9, 2013
Good Luck
This is my seventh time of writing you this email. My wife and I won a Jackpot
Lottery of $11.2 million in July and have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of
$1,000,000.00 USD to you as part of our own charity project to improve the lot of 5
lucky individuals all over the world.
If you have received this email then you are one of the lucky recipients and all you
have to do is get back with us so that we can send your details to the payout bank.
You can verify this by visiting the web pages below.
Good Luck,
Allen & Violet Large.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
"Damnit Janet" - to quote my old boss.
Been gone for a year!
There's burnout for you, or a change in direction, or an inability to multitask... I don't know.
It felt like all the time I dedicated to cycling, I just shifted onto art.
Neither completely leaves, but 100% of either becomes completely lifesucking draining.
Balance. That's it.
So it's been a year of trips to NYC, photo jobs, painting, gallery shows, semi-pointless self promotion, a ton of dog fostering, a new dog, a huge clearing out of bike inventory in a move to simplify one aspect of my life. This break has given time to reflect on why I even commute by bike.
It's funny as I occasionally read the obvious driver comments on any thing cycling related.
There's no self righteousness in commuting.
Nothing dignified in suffering.
It's not always convenient.
I'm not looking for a pedestal.
Most of the time I'm just trying to get from fucking point A to B without getting killed by an idiot.
And... unfortunately THAT altercation happens about once a week.
And then I get fired up.
And I think I can change things, or I need to vent.
And then I just get tired of it.
And then you go back out into it.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Backseat Bikes?
The last two months have been all art.
FOUR shows opened on one week!
Then off to NYC for
Fountain Art Fair @ the Armory.
So biking other than commuting has
been of the radar.
But Cambridge is coming up,
and there's still another single speed
waiting to be built.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Not on the curb, yet!
at regular posts. But I'm gonna drag
this blog back to the top of the
Kind of hard to do a bike blog with
daily posts - that isn't recycled news
that has already been spread around
the small bike-blogosphere. And to
write daily about the commute? Goes
like this:
"ugh, cold. Stiff legs"
"ok, go!"
"argh, stupid pothole"
"c'mon! Give me some room!"
"remember, warmer mitts tomorrow"
"could you pass any closer?!"
"what time is it"
"am I late?"
"wonder if I smell funky?"
"what's that creaking sound?"
There you go.
Every commute more or less,
in announcer form.
Monday, January 30, 2012
having fun.
Sometimes it's just GONE!
I actually think it's relative to your age.
When you're 10 years old,
a quarter or half a year seems to be
a pretty long time. It's a considerable
fraction of your life.
But after a couple of decades,
three or six months is a drop in the
bucket of life.
So I guess I'm just old,
and not that well planned,
for the most part.
I thought I made a pretty simple goal,
to update this blog frequently. Whether
it's lazily riding the bus home from
work, during commercials on late night
tv, or sitting on the crapper.
Results are not so good for January.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Pink Bike
This really helps with the winter-lack-of-motivation thing.
Now really psyched for another round of Battenkill
AND World Cup.
Schedule is filling fast and I haven't even cleared January!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
One Speed
So it's kind of a 'downtime'
to sort things out.
Right now it looks like the year of
single speed, for me.
Think it'll be another year of shooting
races vs actually racing.
That's how this last season went.
I'm a mid pack cat 4,
or a decent photographer.
So I'll just put my focus on that.
My bike focus has been on the 'lil
bastard. Which gets me around just
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Projects?! Do I hear Projects?!
but this caught my eye:

I have loved the Quadangle/Slingshot/GT triple triangle style frames
for years.
But the Quad has always been a favorite.
But I've learned my lesson trying to relive the younger days on a 20",
now I can have both!
(not so stoked on the 7+ lb weight).
Monday, January 9, 2012
Moca Bikes
Regardless of bikes,
worth the trip for art alone.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
Random Resolutions
More, as in all of the time!
I simply did not go out for enough
"fun rides" around the neighborhood.
For a guy who fights cars to & from
work, by the time I get home I'm not
thinking about the little ones (and now
not so little) that want to get out on
bikes. I may set some what of an
example, but I'm not alot of fun.
Random Resolutions
so it resembles this, a little.
So I don't buy a pedal wrench
because I can't find the first one,
and end up using a crescent wrench
cause I can't find the second one.
Don't even start on the open end's.
Or the drill bits.