Well, happy
"Time to purchase an overpriced Greeting Card day"
to you!
I never really get into ANY holidays. And this one is no different,
EXCEPT - if I don't do something 'special' for that someone special,
I'm an ass. First, I'll always be an ass. Second, I always try to do
something special (so they'll keep me around, cause I don't offer a
whole lot of other reasons).
But it wasn't until this year, when the little kids are in school,
and we get an announcement that they're celebrating "Friends Day"
instead. Curious, because I NEVER want to be left off of the PC
bandwagon, I had to search out the root of Valentine's Day, and
why it may be offensive to some - besides the common sense owning
people who don't like to buy $10 cards that play crappy songs.
I'm not going to tell you what I found because you need to do the
same that I did, GOOGLE. Thanks GOOGLE for keeping me from
appearing to be a bigger idiot than I am. It's like the spare
tire for your brain.
But on this day I'ld like to express my love for an inanimate
object. The one I neglect, covered in winter road salt and grime.
I've sworn at her, made her the butt of jokes and always find
myself thinking of others and not her. I AM A BAD BIKE OWNER.
This can be easily verified by my local bike shop, who either
place bets or cringe when I come in.
But nothing reasserts that love like having to drive a car for
several days. As I drive home late last night from the grocery
store (yes, I was one of alot of guys picking through cards)
I found myself listening for those little sounds, you know, the
ones' that lead to expensive repair bills soon. And with my
wandering mind, I then started thinking, "what if it broke down
now?" or "what if it breaks down on the next road trip?".
Maybe I should keep my bike in the car at all times. And then
I started thinking (again, as always) why can't cars be simpler?
Like my bike. If my bike breaks down, for the most part I can
fix it, unless it requires some obnoxious $80 bottom bracket
tool. Then it's off to entertain the shop staff (again).
It was at this point that I realized how I truely loved my
bike and all that it provides me. I think this is the same
feeling we had as a little kid about that bike that got you
to 7-11 so you could sit on the curb, and with a sugar high,
get Slurpee induced brain freeze. But as a little kid it's
hard to define those feelings.
So on this day, clean your bike.
And take her out for a spin.
And tell her how happy she makes you.