Saturday, February 28, 2009

'Social Issues' show @ UAG March 6th!

Seriously struggling sometimes. I had nothing prepared, then after
a week of nonstop work, I had too much work to submit.

Then in my confused state of mind, almost missed the submission
date for the works to be juried. I sat in Buffalo with no internet
service wondering if I would actually make the selection. I even got
out of work to attend the opening night, and it seemed to all fall

In the end, it all worked out. Four works were accepted for the
'Social Issues' show opening this next Friday, March 6th! It took me
a minute, well a pen and paper, to figure out that this will be my
seventh show (sixth in a row) with a total of twentysix photos shown.
I really didn't want to miss a month, that was one of my basic goals
this year - get work into every show. I already screwed the other goal
(to loose five pounds a month going into the spring) by GAINING five
pounds this month.

*I'm not an 'athlete', I don't ride 'junk' miles, I don't like pain
and suffering - note my well worn couch. But it is ALMOST enough to
make me break out the trainer and start watching what I eat. But
that's for another time.

On a side note I was also asked by NYBC to photograph their meeting
with the Legislature this month, my first 'job', albeit a nonpaying

This last week became one of those fiftyfive hour weeks, and any
other time has been alot of reflecting on what I want to do, and
what I need to do in life. The ride to and from work usually
provides some inspiration for thought, but with too much thought
my bike may become the next ghost bike, and I tend to get carried
away in thought.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Volume (BMX) Cutter buildup

I totally forgot about this..
After FBM started making 'The Sword', word was Volume was
also on the BMX-but-also-fixed-gear program. Like a reverse
training wheels program to get bmx kids onto a more socially
(read: some girls dig it) acceptable type of bike riding.
Imagine my surprise when I stumbled in to get some cleaning
stuff for that nasty chain when I found this all built up.

For about five minutes I thought 'what can I unload so I can
make this mine?'. But there's no need for something that just
sits around collecting dust (my job).

This is sold as a frameset. As spec'd with the Velocity and
Origin 8, budget $750-800. I belive it's a Taiwan frameset,
steel, and of course solid. Hey, it even has a toptube gussett,
with the Volume logo cutout. The shop did a decent build, all
color spec'd (except the stem/headset). I expect to see some
bmx kid on this in the next couple weeks.

So I grabbed a couple pics, along with the degreaser and lube.
My stuff is SOOOOOOOOO nasty from the winter commutes, pulleys
won't even go backwards, just like crappy chain suck when you
backpedal. Guess that's the sign it's time to clean.

Volume Cutter buildup pt.2

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Christian Hosoi- Raging Waters, SLC, UT 1989

Just another buried treasure
as I scan whats left
of any old photos,

fighting those hippie urges

ok, it happens more than I'ld like.
and it's true, I've owned more than one VW bus.
and some hair styles would lead one to think...
hippie! dirty hippie! (use your Eric Cartman voice)

But I've fought it off for a while.
I listen to more punk rock than anyone over 28.
For nearly a month, since I ACCIDENTLY saw Mr. Mraz
on SNL. So bad, I even went to the store to buy the
record! OH! BUT WAIT! It's not on any record yet.

It's like that game I play with people, where you
sing a couple lines of some god-awful 80's song,
and then walk away, and it's stuck in their head
for the whole day.


There's more on the way. The bike activities seem to fill any
extra time along with a busier than usual work week. Life looks
like it's slow a bit next week. Now I just have to get through
the next seven days without forgeting anything too important!

hey! ho! let's go

to Buffalo!

And the Ford defied all odds and lowly expectations, and
actually made the return trip. It says alot about American
quality autos when you budget a rental and repairs into a
road trip. Of course that 'budget' is money I don't actually
'have', but I didn't need to spend it, so it's a push.

I don't know how to put Buffalo into words. For some reason
it's larger than NY's capital, and has better bike shops, a
better bike scene and art scene, but it still ends up big,
flat, and depressing. A blown out photo of a junk truck
in front of a closed manufacturing plant doen't even convey
enough. It's just a larger version of any other NY city.

Just with worse weather. There was only a one day break in
the wind and snow to walk around on Elmwood, which coincidently
is by the University and hold some of the best shops in town.
The sign above? How I look at the best wine shop as I stumble
back from a daily restocking. Awesome is their selection.

As I'm shopping for the missus and grams', I realize. They have
all this wine, but where's the beer? Oh. New York law that you
can't have beer and wine in the same business, well, that makes
sense. So next door they have the widest selection of local, US,
and overseas micros and standard beers. Sweet! That's how I spent
my vacation. Visiting bike shops for who knows what, but I didn't
find it (like those old school still-in-the-bag Campy wool knee
AND arm warmers for $10 each). The remainder spent with kids,
bike magazines, sampling beers, and figuring out where I have
time to brew my own. The missus reached that conclusion for me by
laughing at me.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


the first vacation of the year. Actually Buffalo doesn't
count as a vacation technically. So, with the chance of
finding someones wireless being slim, especially in that
wonderful town, it's a vacation from the computer.

With a first. I leave you this glory shot of the first
Harley. Also a reminder of who would throw a seven hundred
pound motorcycle through a canyon at 80 mph? No helmet?
No problem for a dumbass. Enjoy your weekend.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Febuary used to be

just another cold month, as I waited out the snow and ice,
until spring finally came. Until two years ago, when I got
home and found out my dad had died. I had passed on calling
him on Valentine's Day, I'm not much of a phone person, or
Holiday person at that. And we had only started to become
close in the last couple of years, we could relate through
being parents and that for the most part was it. As a dad,
I understood my own dad, but not before that.

There was ALOT of things left unsaid when I visited my dad
just a month before, things like I had found and made contact
with my birth mother. That I had a brother and sister out
there. And probably most importantly, a thanks for dealing
with a punk kid. Although we shared no common interests, he
allowed me to walk my own path, as off course as he may have
thought it was. Yeah, Valentine's Day sucks. Again, lessons
for me are usually learned in hindsight.

As I look at my kids, I just try to be the dad I thought I
needed. But as parents, don't we all do that?

not the beginning...

more the middle point.

Christian Hosoi - Raging Waters, SLC, UT. 1989 photo bob A.

First, I fully admit I'm an idiot slash dumbass.
I spend way too much time looking in the rearview mirror of life.

If I would have kept my favorite mountain bike.
If I didn't sell all my Park tools when I moved.
If I kept every skateboard I had through the 80's.
If I would have believed in myself, and fully pursued photography.

Even - If I would have properly stored all my old photos and
kept track of them through four moves. All I have now is a
box of random 'not the best' pictures.

The photo below is now twenty years old.
When I took it, I had no idea or care of the future.
It was spring break, and we were on a road trip,
and skating. Car loads of friends and trouble.

In the center are three friends who are on my Facebook.
One was the Best Man in our wedding.
Two survived a really bad accident.
One taught me alot, just by being a friend.
One inspires me, to the point of continually buying
Transworld Snowboarding for his photos, even though
it's been 4 or 5 years since I've ridden.

I could tie biking into this with something like:
I started out on a bike (BMX) and through skating and
snowboarding, I ended up back on a bike. And some
philosophical thought of life and circular themes.

But basically it's more like:

I REALLY wish I'd kept my tools, and of course.......
didn't sell: the hardtail with XTR, or the funky Hallbrink fork,
or Fleetwood cruiser with Nexus. And I can't search Ebay for them
'cause that's TOO addicting. That's how ridiculous collections

Spring has always brought alot of changes, especially
in the last few years. So this evolves into a life blog,
but hopefully interesting enough for you to stop by.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

crappy old photos & ramblings

coming soon.....
Crappy old photos and the ramblings of stories
no one cares to hear about.

All due to the wonderful discovery at the local
photo shop of 'bulk scanning' what's left of my
35mm on to digital format.


I know, the suspense.
It's killing me more than you.

ode to bike (love)

Well, happy
"Time to purchase an overpriced Greeting Card day"
to you!

I never really get into ANY holidays. And this one is no different,
EXCEPT - if I don't do something 'special' for that someone special,
I'm an ass. First, I'll always be an ass. Second, I always try to do
something special (so they'll keep me around, cause I don't offer a
whole lot of other reasons).

But it wasn't until this year, when the little kids are in school,
and we get an announcement that they're celebrating "Friends Day"
instead. Curious, because I NEVER want to be left off of the PC
bandwagon, I had to search out the root of Valentine's Day, and
why it may be offensive to some - besides the common sense owning
people who don't like to buy $10 cards that play crappy songs.
I'm not going to tell you what I found because you need to do the
same that I did, GOOGLE. Thanks GOOGLE for keeping me from
appearing to be a bigger idiot than I am. It's like the spare
tire for your brain.

But on this day I'ld like to express my love for an inanimate
object. The one I neglect, covered in winter road salt and grime.
I've sworn at her, made her the butt of jokes and always find
myself thinking of others and not her. I AM A BAD BIKE OWNER.
This can be easily verified by my local bike shop, who either
place bets or cringe when I come in.

But nothing reasserts that love like having to drive a car for
several days. As I drive home late last night from the grocery
store (yes, I was one of alot of guys picking through cards)
I found myself listening for those little sounds, you know, the
ones' that lead to expensive repair bills soon. And with my
wandering mind, I then started thinking, "what if it broke down
now?" or "what if it breaks down on the next road trip?".

Maybe I should keep my bike in the car at all times. And then
I started thinking (again, as always) why can't cars be simpler?
Like my bike. If my bike breaks down, for the most part I can
fix it, unless it requires some obnoxious $80 bottom bracket
tool. Then it's off to entertain the shop staff (again).

It was at this point that I realized how I truely loved my
bike and all that it provides me. I think this is the same
feeling we had as a little kid about that bike that got you
to 7-11 so you could sit on the curb, and with a sugar high,
get Slurpee induced brain freeze. But as a little kid it's
hard to define those feelings.

So on this day, clean your bike.
And take her out for a spin.
And tell her how happy she makes you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the best bike I've seen

Very rarely do I see any bikes locked up at work.
I assume alot are hidding in backrooms (and I tell
myself that others commute too). There's always some
random bike poorly locked up during the summer, but
this was a pleasant surprise when I went out for
lunch. I love it.

An old Trek Composite frame, sure.

But I'm really loving the old Dura, and the single front
chainring. Great simple set up.

Winter Alex beater rims, spd's. A great quick lo-brow commuter.
Well done.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cycle Jerks!

One of my favorite t's.
If you know 80's punk then you know.
This shirt found several more fans at the gallery.
If you love it to, then go to the Cycle Jerks link
on my page. Support your favorite Denver crew.
Thanks guys.

UAG 'Blue' show

Friday night was the beginning of the 'BLUE' show
at the UAG. Little Wednesday Addams and I went for
a cup of hot chocolate and a stroll.

A good turn out. New friends and contacts, and a
casual crowd. With one work sold on the last show,
this show underway, it's now time to focus on the
next show.

I still don't know where I stand with pricing.
It's not about making a living off of it.
It's about improving my work, and encouraging
others to buy it. But it always goes back to:
'Did it sell because it's the least expensive
work in the gallery?'
'Did they not buy it because of the percieved
value, and the price doesn't reflect it?'

Maybe the next show everything will be tripled.
.....if I get in. My t-shirt was probably the
best thing I provided for the guests.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

life & bike love

With the constant sub-freezing temps. I continually
find myself thinking of the spring. I can't bring
myself to set up the trainer. Instead I toil away
in front of the computer, partially working my way
through lists, and more lists, with little motivation.
Other than it just needs to be done.

Despite all the storms I made it through the winter
commuting, well almost. Two more months and it should
be gone, hopefully. I just look forward to anything
above freezing - and I need to remember that when it
feels like the tropics this summer. Eventually all the
others that hibernate during the winter will be out
on the streets. The knobbies can get swapped out. The
rides to and from work can become more scenic. And
with that, hopefully more time to get out and shoot
without trying to plan rides according to sub zero
temps and exposure.

I would love to think that by selling the car and
commuting for almost a year would allow me to add
a bike to my collection. But I keep telling myself
that I really only need one. I built the perfect bike,
so why have another one laying around that doesn't
get used. This would also explain the decrease in
visits to the local shop.

The buckling down for the winter. The feeling of
riding out cold fronts and storms seems to have spilled
over into the economy and life in general. The uneasiness
and sense of not knowing what's around the corner.

"Yeah, it'll be in the 40's this weekend - lets ride!"

But I'm not sure what's happening this next week.
With the weather.
With my job.
With the economy.
With your job.

All we can do sometimes is just ride.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I offer you this:

read his blog: clusterfucknation
read his books

take a second and listen to one of his many lectures.

this is your present for today.

If you don't know me, well, sometimes I can be A LITTLE SLOW!
I have been reading Kunstler's blog that I found on K-Wall blog,
for almost a year.

While working with the local bicycle coalition, that has a couple
people involved obviously with urban planning and bicycle routes.
Well, often his name is mentioned for books worth reading about
suburbia and sprawl. Then a coworker who was going to school to
become a planner kept mentioning his name. Sorry to say it took
about six months before he is one and the same, AND lives thirty
minutes north of me. Yeah, I'm an idiot.

So one more goal: Attend one of his lectures

Even bigger goal: Get an interview at some point!